JB Egg Bar Shoe



Jim Blurton Egg Bar Shoes

This is an oval shaped shoe and is usually used on horses with pre-navicular and navicular disease. The frog is not supported, as the bar extends behind it, which can be a problem when used with very flat feet, as the frog will “drop through” because it is unsupported. In this case, a heart-bar shoe may be better.

The shoe has a considerably enlarged heel-bearing surface and is usually applied to the front feet with a rolled toe. Recently, egg-bar shoes have been fitted to hind feet, as the extended heel surface gives support to horses with hock problems.

The shoe incorporates a roll toe and is safed off at the heel. Side clips are standard and they have a countersunk position for stud holes. Unique to these shoes they incorporate pitched nail holes providing a different angle for each nail making it easier to nail

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Available Sizes

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